
digital acumen

For the past 4 years, I’ve been the creative voice in the development of software tools, gamification platforms, and a wide variety of live-digital activations.

Software platforms: Developed strategy, branding, and led team brainstorms for detailed People, Process, and Product software program used in Fortune 100 companies. Helped improve the UX for various BtoB software activations.

Gamification: Creative development, branding, and implementation of gamification for live events and consumer activations.

Live-Digital Activations:

  • Phygital: The combination of a physical element with a digital interactions. Engaging audiences, interacting social content, creating smiles.

  • AR/VR/AI/Holograms: Not building these tools but understanding what works best in which situation.

  • Social Interactions: Using the right tools to track digitally on a wide platform of social media and understanding the importance of analyzing this content to improve ROI.